Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
Yes, sedation dentistry is generally safe! In fact, nitrous oxide is considered the safest option for most patients. Before administering sedation, our team will review your medical history and medications for potential interactions. Throughout the procedure, we’ll closely monitor vital signs to ensure your safety. During your consultation, we’ll share our sedation-related experience and provide additional assurance of our ability to safely administer dental sedation.
Will I Remember Anything with Dental Sedation?
With most forms of dental sedation, you likely won't remember much of your procedure, even though you're technically awake. Under general anesthesia, you'll be fully unconscious, so you shouldn't remember anything. IV sedation is more likely to cause memory loss compared to oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide. This memory loss effect significantly eases dental care for patients with extreme anxiety or negative past dental experiences.
Is Sedation Dentistry Covered by Insurance?
Sedation dentistry is often not covered by dental insurance plans, as it's considered a "luxury" treatment akin to cosmetic procedures. However, there are exceptions, such as cases where a patient has a disability (i.e., cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s, autism) that requires sedation for dental care.
Additionally, sedation may be covered for complex procedures like multiple tooth extractions. However, routine treatments like root canals or fillings usually aren't. Insurance coverage varies by plan, so it's essential to check your policy details. Our team can assist you in understanding your coverage and finding ways to make your care more affordable.
Does Dental Sedation Make You Tell Secrets?
Contrary to popular belief, dental sedation does not act as a "truth serum”. It's highly unlikely that you'll reveal deep secrets while under sedation. Even if you happen to say something out of the ordinary, rest assured that it will remain confidential within the confines of the dental treatment room. Your privacy and confidentiality are always respected during dental procedures involving sedation!
Will I Feel Any Pain with Dental Sedation?
Although nitrous oxide and IV sedation will keep you awake, they suppress your body's ability to feel pain. Any discomfort you may experience is likely to feel more like pressure rather than pain. Additionally, your dentist may administer a local anesthetic to numb your mouth, further preventing pain depending on the procedure.